Grand Ledge Chamber of Commerce - Grand Ledge Chamber of Commerce

Grand Ledge Chamber of Commerce

Declutter Your Life! [Registration Req.]
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM Eastern
Event Type(s)
Community Calendar
Event Description
Adult. Does this sound familiar? Your voicemail is full. Your mail is cascading off the counter. You can't find your keys--again. You're buried in possessions. Something needs to change! De-Clutter your life with helpful insights, a plan and tips from Heather, professional "Decluttering Expert"! Heather will discuss the decluttering process, target organizing, creating functional spaces, and ways to manage the process--for yourself or a family member. Presentation, helpful handouts and Q&A.
Setting: In-Person
Grand Ledge Area District Library
131 E. Jefferson St.
Grand Ledge, Mi 48837

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Contact Person
Stefanie Black
(phone: 5176277014)
Adult. Does this sound familiar? Your voicemail is full. Your mail is cascading off the counter. You can't find your keys--again. You're buried in possessions. Something needs to change! De-Clutter your life with helpful insights, a plan and tips from Heather, professional "Decluttering Expert"! Heather will discuss the decluttering process, target organizing, creating functional spaces, and ways to manage the process--for yourself or a family member. Presentation, helpful handouts and Q&A.
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© 2025 Grand Ledge Chamber of Commerce.
Website by Seven Islands Web.

310 Greenwood Street • Room B-103
Grand Ledge, MI  48837
Phone: (517) 627-2383