We LOVE February because we are in the planning stages for all the events that we host for the community.
Our first parade is about a month away and our annual dinner is in April. If you want to nominate someone for an award that will be handed out at the dinner, please get your nominations in by February 28th.
Be sure and mark your calendar for all the events we have listed below!
If you want to partner with us to promote your business, take a look at our 2020 event sponsorships.
Wednesday February 12, 2020 is our next monthly chamber breakfast meeting.
Chamber member Asset Financial will be our featured speaker. Bring your investment questions!
Make plans to join us at 9am in the community room of the City of Grand Ledge Administration Building at 310 Greenwood Street to network with fellow chamber members!
Coffee and Bagels will be served.
The St. Patrick's Day Parade is Saturday March 14th at 2pm.
We are looking for a few more volunteers to help with parade set up so if you want to get involved, call the chamber at 517-627-2383 or info@grandledgechamber.com
For more information about community events that weekend or to register for the parade, click here!
2020 Chamber Events: February 12: Coffee and Conversation Chamber Meeting February 28: 4th Fridays Grand Ledge March 5: Mix and Mingle at Brickhaven March 14: St. Patrick's Day Parade April 16: Chamber Annual Dinner at the Opera House April 30: Mix and Mingle at The Log Jam May 16-Market on the Grand Starts June 4-Music in the Park Starts June 26-28: Yankee Doodle Days Festival July 10: Movie in the Ballfield July 24: Movie in the Ballfield August 7: Movie in the Ballfield August 21: Golf Scramble Outing August 21: Movie in the Ballfield August 27: Last Music in the Park September 9: Coffee and Conversation Chamber Meeting September 17: Business Expo and Community Open House October 9-11: Color Cruise and Island Fall Festival October 10: Grand Ledge Beer Fest October 10: Last Market on the Grand October 14: Coffee and Conversation Chamber Meeting October 23: Bridge Street Trick or Treat November 11: Coffee and Conversation Chamber Meeting November 28: Shop Small Saturday December 4: Night Lights Christmas Parade and Tree Lighting December 9: Coffee and Conversation Chamber Meeting
Feb 5- Code Club!
Being a Chamber member adds prestige to your business, solidifies your standing in the business community, and sets your business above the rest. It also shows your community support and pride!
Members are included in the Chamber's online Member Directory where they can showcase their business' products and services to the community.
Members can also advertise in this weekly eNewsletter and on the Chamber's website for greater visibility. If you are interested, please contact Amy Hoyes